Category: Counseling
Counseling at it’s Best
As counselors we must understand that all mankind interacts with the world around us based on how he or she see themselves. The root of all counseling issues is found in the client’s perception of themselves and their God. The Word of God tells us, “As a man thinks so is he”. We have all read much and listened to much that reminds us that the battlefield is in our minds. But do we get it, do our clients really get it, or do we just see it as too much work , and hope to skirt by or find another way?
Romans 12:2 says “You must not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”. Many go from relationship to relationship, judge others, change their surroundings, go from revival to revival, change spouses, change careers, or become legalistic all in an effort to find peace, while ignoring this very simple truth. Being personally transformed is what will bring peace and lasting joy.
God’s Word is so very clear of our need to be transformed, and the only way it happens is first being born again through Jesus Christ (John 3:3), and then a lining up of the soul (mind, will, and emotions) through agreement with God’s Word. The New Age movement teaches their own version of this truth, teaching the changing of reality by changing their thinking. They call it “positive thinking”. Well, praise God. It is God’s principle, and it works for all that use it. Yet, they are trying to think themselves into victory and divinity. We as born again Christians already have the victory (Romans 8:37) and we are already of a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), under our Lord and King Jesus Christ. According to II Corinthians 5:17, “we are new creatures, the old has gone and the new has come”. Our spirit man is alive, and brand new, therefore our “positive thinking” is faith filled thinking that is learning to get in agreement with what God says is true about us already.
When this happens we and our clients begin to experience the truth that already lives inside of us. This is when our client’s countenance changes, it is when their relationships become transformed, and it is when they find themselves experiencing the joy of being God’s child. They begin to understand that they are deeply loved, completely forgiven and whole, totally accepted, and fully pleasing to God in Christ Jesus.
Suggested Reading:
Search for Significance, by Robert McGee
Bondage Broken, by Craig Hill
Who Switched Off My Brain, by Dr. Carolyn Leaf
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