Identity in Christ
Coaching Certification Program
Discover and Walk in your True Identity!
Coach Others to Walk in Their God-Given Identity!
Lead clients with God's Strategy for Their Wholeness!
Program Goals:
The Identity in Christ Coaching Certification Program is a robust program designed to prepare you to CONFIDENTLY coach others into greater success in all areas of life through their God-given identity. The framework of this coaching program is God-given Identity Leads to Fruitfulness in Our Destiny!
We accomplish this through:
A discipleship coaching model using deep revelation and transformation processes with over 20 years of proven success!
Our unique curriculum includes powerful teachers and authors who together have effectively led thousands in the body of Christ into success and victory through their true identity in Christ.
Revelation + Application and Impartation = Transformation. This program is designed for your transformation first, which is your number one tool in becoming a highly effective coach to others.
Providing one-on-one supervision with ongoing support, additional courses, annual certifications, and trusted partnerships for the further development of your coaching business.
Program Overview:
Duration: Six months
This intensive program includes reading and video material, various types of assignments, a practicum, and personal supervision.
$2,995, which can be paid in one payment or $500 monthly payments over six months.
Graduate with one of the following coaching certifications: Certified Identity in Christ Coach, Certified In His Image Coach, or Certified Christ in You Coach!

Do you long to be part of God's plan in these last days to raise up sons and daughters who walk powerfully through the image of Christ in them?
Do you long to see the beauty of Christlikeness and grace-led holiness flowing from His Church? There is an epic struggle between light and darkness; you and I have a part to play in it. That part is different for each of us, but for many of us, it is to lead His people to truly see who He is and who they are in Him, new creations in Christ Jesus.
Have you ever wondered, “Do I have what it takes to be a coach?”
Perhaps you don’t know where to begin, and you feel unprepared to lead others. The truth is, you are more prepared than you think! Your own transformation is what the Lord wants to use to empower others! Your confidence in the destiny He has called you to will grow as you see who He sees in you and as you learn the step by step tools we have used successfully for over 20 years.
The Identity in Christ Coaching Certification Program is here to provide you with a time tested, proven framework to fulfill your God-given role. Soon you will have the confidence to successfully guide others into living lives of freedom and great purpose in Christ!
Have you looked into other life coaching programs?
This is not just another life coaching program focused on your earthly success. It is a very specific, Word-of-God-led approach to coaching believers into walking in their God-given identity, leading to their God-given destiny on this earth. Romans 4:6 says, "Even King David spoke regarding the complete wholeness that comes inside a person when God's powerful declaration of righteousness is heard (and received) over their life." TPT Using our framework, “identity leads to destiny," you will be able to effectively lead those you coach into the life that God designed them for. A life of wholeness, greater emotional capacity, freedom, confidence, deeper connection with God and family, clarity in their direction, and success in their goals.
A Program Developed from the Word and Transformed Lives
Dr. Lisa Winchell, the program developer and one of your teachers, says, "It is like God set me up to teach true identity in Christ." This Identity in Christ Coaching Certification program is not born from a book or teaching but from the Word of God and out of lives transformed through being recreated in Christ Jesus, through the Holy Spirit.
Dr. Lisa outlined this coaching program using the same path the Lord led her on and continues to lead her. Over 35 years ago, He began His work when she exchanged her old, broken, wounded, worldly, addicted, false identity for her God-given blessed identity as a new creation in Christ Jesus! As she saw herself, her value, acceptance, significance, and purpose through the eyes of Christ, her life took a 180-degree turnaround, landing her in her God-given destiny. She has led many believers into greater transformation through their true identity in Christ over the last 25 years.
Dr. Lisa Winchell
Dr. Lisa's Doctorate is in Ministry, and her Master's is in Clinical Christian Counseling. She founded and operates In His Image Institute of Counseling and Training and In His Image Institute of Coaching. She is an NCCA Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor and Identity in Christ Coach.
For 25 years, she has led others into their transformation in Christ through pastoral counseling, coaching, workshops, and training. She also credentials pastoral counselors nationwide through the In His Image Institute of Counseling and Training degree programs.
Her vision is to see the sons and daughters of God revealed in God's glory on this earth and to see His Bride prepared for His return! She further accomplishes that through credentialing Identity in Christ Coaches certified by In His Image Institute of Coaching.
Pastor Joshua Eisbrenner
Dr. Lisa and Pastor Josh have partnered to bring you a highly effective coaching program. Pastor Josh is another life transformed from a broken and wounded identity into a powerfully blessed identity in Christ. For over 15 years, Pastor Josh has led numerous people into their true identity in Christ through Global Fire Starter Ministries and the Firebrand School of Discipleship. He also has a BA in psychology and is the Associate Director of Gulf Coast Healing Rooms and Associate Pastor of Healer's House Family Church. Pastor Josh has been certified as a physical trainer and nutrition coach, and for over ten years, he worked in a Christ-centered drug and alcohol rehab program. His passion is to see believers walk in the freedom of Christ through their true identity in Christ!
Identity and destiny are always connected!
A blessed God-given identity will always lead to success and God-given potential. 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, "And we all, with unveiled face, continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are progressively being transformed into His image from glory to glory, which comes from the Lord, the Spirit."
In the Identity in Christ Coaching Certification Program, you will understand the three mirrors that mankind looks into and reflects, ultimately defining their identity and, thus, their destiny. You will experience a deeper transformation yourself and have the training to coach and lead others into the same powerful transformation of reflecting Jesus through their lives, even as the moon reflects the sun.
Our new creation status is of the utmost importance to God's strategy in the days to come...
..for His children, His people, His church, and His bride to walk as overcomers in the fruits and the greater gifts of the Spirit. Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. Before the world's creation, God prepared YOU and those you will coach to walk in fruitfulness and success in all areas of their lives, for His name's sake. But His people will be compromised and not become the victors in Christ they were created to be until they learn to see themselves through the eyes of Christ. This is where you come in, to pray and answer the call of God to coach/lead/disciple those He brings to you.
This Life Coaching Model is transformational and relational and is a very specific niche in Christ-centered coaching. Many in the body of Christ have sought out individual personal discipleship, spiritual mothers, fathers, and mentors. Unfortunately, personal, relational discipleship can not be found in many churches today. There are many reasons, but one is that many mature Christians are already busy with those they can minister to, with family, and with the need to make a living. This is why Christian Life Coaching has become so popular and needed. 1 Timothy 5:18 says, "A workman is worth his wages." This is a new season. Our Lord is training those willing to partner with Him to prepare His Bride for His coming. He is doing it through traditional ministry and discipleship, as well as marketplace ministry models such as Christian Life Coaching.
We can restore believers to their true identity, overcoming conflict, barriers, and trials as they walk in His peace, righteousness, love, and spiritual authority!
Curriculum Overview
This program comprises three core processes, six modules, and personal supervision.
3 Core Processes:
Wake Up your True identity!
Restore your True Identity!
Walk in your True Identity!
The 6 Modules:
Module 1
Who is He? - Our Creator!
The Cycle of Core Identity
The Problem - Shame
The Solution - Identity in Christ
Module 2
Connecting Core Identity and Unique Identity/Temperament
Identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, and Obstacles
Overcoming Weaknesses Through Christ In You
Building Rapport, Goal Setting, Action Plan, Accountability, Ethics
Module 3
Hearing God's Voice
The Search for Significance
Exchanging Lies for Truth
Overcoming Fear of Failure/Rejection
Module 4
Coaching the Inner Life
The Believer's Authority
Seven Steps to Freedom
Clearing Debris and Clutter
Module 5
Trauma: Clearing Out The Debris and Clutter
What Does Imagination Have to Do with it?
Where There is Peace There is Power
His Presence - Your Success in Him
Module 6
Walking It Out: Five-Step Framework
Identity Coaching in Marriage, Parenting, Career, Ministry, and More
Strong Emotional Capacity/Joy: Staying
Connected to God, Your True Self, and Others
God-Given Passion and Spiritual Gifts
Bonus Modules
Reaching "Your People" Who Need Your Coaching
Continue Education Courses
Brain Health Coaching
Unlock Your Full Potential
Get Started Today!
This program will equip you with the skills, knowledge, and spiritual growth needed to coach others in their journey to transformation in Christ, transforming their emotional health, families, careers, ministries, churches in righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit!
Apply today and take the first step towards becoming a Certified Identity in Christ or In His Image Coach who makes a lasting impact!
This is an intensive six-month program that includes reading and video material as well as personal supervision. The cost is $2,995, which can be paid in one payment or $500 monthly payments over six months.
PreviousIt's difficult to articulate the numerous ways in which Dr. Lisa has impacted my life. After 5 years of working with different professionals with minimal impact, God led me to Dr. Lisa. The framework Dr. Lisa uses led me to true and lasting transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit. Together we uncovered my true identity in Christ which freed me from many struggles. Every area of my life was impacted positively as I discovered how to live powerfully in peace and in the power of who God uniquely created me to be. As a leader in my industry, coaching and training other leaders, I was able to create a greater impact on the people entrusted to me through the noticeable way the Lord transformed me. Dr. Lisa is led by the Holy Spirit and her format brings lasting freedom not just in my life but in the lives of many people I have seen work with her since. I know the Lord deeper than I ever have and have clarity in the purposes He has for me in life now. I'm forever grateful the Lord led me to find Dr. Lisa so I could experience all the healing and love that comes from knowing Him and knowing who I am created to be in Him.
Natalie GregoryClient
Working with Dr. Lisa changed my life. For the first time in 45 years I have peace. Through our work I now know my true identity. God showed me who I am and who He is and that changes everything. My husband and I work with Dr. Lisa together and separately and it's had a massive impact on our marriage. I am forever grateful God led us to Dr. Lisa and for the identity work she's led us through!
Deirdre Van NestFounder of Crazy Good Talks
Dr. Lisa helped me get closer to God. As a result I am more focused on the relationships in my life, especially with my wife. It's been an incredible journey. My work with her has realigned my priorities. It used to be Work, Family, God. Now it's God, Family, Work. This has given me a more satisfying and fulfilling life.
Peter Van NestFounder Crazy Good Solutions