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Preparing for the Future?

So many more are talking about where to put their money, in preparation for all going on in our economy. This currency or that one or stocks, etc. In doing so, let’s remember our greatest currency is our ability to hear the Lord!  Build that each day, learn His voice, practice His presence and He will guide you for the future. Begin to confess, “I hear the voice of my Shepherd and the voice of a stranger I will not follow.” The key is we all must build this precious ‘currency” into our lives, a stronger ability to hear God’s voice. I remember the man who walked up to the tower on 9/11, put his hand on the door, and the Lord said, “get back in the cab and go home.” Minutes later the plane struck that tower. How many was God saying that to, who had not built that ability to tune into God’s voice? We will not know until heaven. But we want what that one man had, a fine-tuned spirit/soul to the voice of God, whether it leads us to our last breath on earth and into His presence or to more victory in Him, while on this earth. His voice will place us where we are supposed to be. Our job is “investing” the time in our relationship with Him to know His voice clearly! My grace is sufficient for you, says the Lord!. His grace is found in His presence!

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